Friday, April 28, 2017

April 2017

Friday April 28
April has been a month with a lot of rain. The official rain measurement has been about an inch but it really seems that the moisture has been much more than one inch.  It's been a cold deary month with not a lot of sunshine.  Today I'll be taking my seedling plants down to the basement to keep them safe from the three days of rain and near freezing temperatures.  
 The last bed of the garden area for this year was finished and ready to be dug.  A total of 12 raised beds are finished and ready to be planted.  It's two beds more than I had hoped to get completed for this year.  Progress the last two years has been much more than expected.
Bed #11 has been dug and ready to plant.  This bed will be stirred a couple times before planting.

Stones and vines were under the surface of the ground in bed #11.  It will take many diggings to finally rid the bed completely of rocks and vines.
                         Bed #9 Potatoes Planted
The first cutting of 35th street Corner was used for mulch on the planted potatoes.
                         Beds #6 through #12
This is a picture of the North half of the garden with the six prepare beds.  Fences and pathway mulch need to be spread.  It's shaping up to be a good year.

Over all April has been a month of great accomplishments in spite of all the rainy weather.  It's time to start planting with weather permitting.

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