March has been a bust for gardening. This month was dedicated to clearing out Dot's apartment and every day was spent working on that. So there has been no seeds started.
I will have to buy plants this year and start seeds in April for the backup and second round of tomatoes and bell peppers. I did get some strawberries planted and they are looking good. I want to use them as breeder beds to plant strawberry beds at Terra Nova Gardens. The offspring from this years plants will go toward planting mini beds in tires with the sidewalls cut out.
At the Urban ranch, there's much to do. I want to build another raised bed with concrete blocks. Some say that it's bad to use concrete blocks for growing food as there is fly ash that is mixed with the concrete which has toxic chemicals in it. There are many different conflicting sources of information about the use of cinder blocks in the garden. The more I read the more I think it's a non issue.