July 6, 2018
Here it is July with not much more progress in the garden.
June 9, 2018
Another month has scooted by way too fast. It's been blazing hot the end of May and now into June. My water tank is mostly full but struggles to stay that way. Rain comes but only in very small amounts. Many times less than .1 inch. Plants are struggling to survive let alone produce. My garden schedule is extremely sporadic this year. Family, friends, and neighbors have tasks for me to help them with and I just can't say no. I don't feel that my lack of gardening care this year is a strain on my life. Helping others is my focus and gardening is my enjoyment. So if pulling weeds is all that's accomplished this year so be it.
June 13, 2018
Weeded the first planting of corn today. Pulled the weeds in bed 3 & 4, Gave bed 5 a stir, the tomato bed, and weeded bed 2, the cabbage bed. It was a very productive day for sure. Things are starting to look a lot better. Now concentration is on the second half of the garden.
I started some seeds in soup cans. Squash, cucumbers, and Chard. I'm not sure they will come to harvest but I think they should have plenty of time to mature. It's the latest I've ever planted such plants and it will be a experiment for sure.
The volunteer tomatoes that looked so desperate are perking up and will make it. I knew those cherry tomatoes woould not die. They are too determined to give up and die. They will be taking over the bed before long.
I've been wondering what to do about the rain gutter trough that is leaking and decided to use the Flex Seal to line the entire gutter. That should seal it up. I have room for the three gutters on the patio which would give the total buckets to 21 when in full production. The watering would be entirely gravity fed with mini float valves to keep the gutter full.
I think I'll open up the garden to outsiders that I know next year. Jeanie would be a good candidate and possibly Sharon. I'm not sure who else. I would get the beds ready and they could plant and care for what ever they wanted.