March 6, 2018
March is here with a vengeance. We just had the snow storm of the month with heavy wet snow. I had to be creative and shovel two paths up the west hill to the house and put some ice melt on the pathways. The next time I left the hill was clear of snow. That's what I like about March snows. They are heavy wet filled with good nitrogen that soaks into the soil, and it melts away quickly. By tomorrow night the snow will probably mostly be gone.
I have started some Simpson lettuce seeds. I've decided to start 18 seeds every week through out the year. I have a package with 2000 seeds so that should last the year. Actually, it will last 111 weeks which would be 2 years.
March 23, 2018
I haven't been following through with my lettuce plan. The plants that I thought were eggplants and peppers turned out to be lettuce and now I'm left with leggy eggplants or peppers I think. I really must be more efficient with record keeping.
This is the rough cleanup of bed 8 at Terra Nova Gardens. This will be the potato bed and be the first thing to be planted. I will require more cleanup and a good turning of the soil. I had to clean this out by hand. My trimmer has a broken starting rope. It was a new rope and broke on the third pull. I'm not sure just what that's all about. It's the second time the rope broke this year. Any way this next week will have to a week of Terra Nova Gardening but Monday the forecast is for thunder storms. It's been one of those Springs when the difficulty is getting into the garden. We had some of that last year and I had to plant in the mud a couple times.
March 31, 2018
This is the cleaned up Bed 8 for potatoes. The weather today is cloudy with dropping temperatures that will bottom out in the upper 20s and gusting wind up to 40 MPH. It's an ugly day to be outside in the garden so I'll put off gardening for another day. Maybe a little work in the back yard but nothing at Terra Nova Gardens. It's been a tough year for gardening but I'm sure things will work out eventually. They always do. I should do some re potting of the green peppers and start some tomato plants and plant some more lettuce. I haven't been too true to my plan of planting lettuce every week. There's plenty to do if I just get busy and do it. March is not leaving like a lamb this year.