Monday - Urban Ranch - November 7, 2016
For many years I've always
thought that my side yard would be a great place for a brick area to sit in the
afternoon. It's on the East side of the house and would be out of the hot
afternoon sun. As the years passed nothing happened but junk piling
up. Old cans, bits and pieces of hose, piles of rocks and gravel, and
assorted other things that just got thrown in the heap of rubble. Then the
scrub trees started to grow up betwixt all the nooks and crannies. Yes, it
was and still is quite the mess. This is the first two rows of about 10
rows of patio blocks. That's about half of the complete patio. I
would really like to get the first half done before it get to cold to dig in the
dirt. Along the right side of the picture is a drop off with a three foot
high rock retaining wall. When the patio is completed some time next year,
a short cedar fence will run about a couple feet in along the top side of the
rock wall.
Monday - Urban Ranch - November 7, 2016
Half of the side yard patio is finished. Six rows of blocks were set in place. Next comes two levels of retaining wall blocks and a wooden fence.
Thursday - Urban Ranch - November 17, 2016
I worked on the side yard again today. Two posts for the fence are now set. The part to build the first fence panel were purchased yesterday so now the building of the fence panel can begin. Sixteen fence boards hopefully will be enough.